A full-stack feedback app from one function

We’re going to build a simple feedback form in this tutorial. We’ll start with a Python function that emails us feedback and build up from there by adding a user interface, adding database storage, and deploying it to the web.

The techniques you’ll learn in this tutorial are fundamental to building any Anvil app, and mastering them will give you a good understanding of how Anvil works.

You don't need any prior experience with Anvil or web development to complete this tutorial.

All you'll need is a little bit of Python. If you’re new to Python, here are some resources to help you get started.

The final app will look something like this:


In this tutorial, you'll:

Click the following link to clone the finished app and explore it yourself, or read on as we take a step-by-step guide to building it yourself.

If you prefer a more theoretical approach to learning, you can dive straight into the documentation.