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The Layouts API

This is an advanced topic. You can create and use Layouts entirely from the Anvil Designer. The rest of this page describes the underlying Python API, which you can use to Layouts entirely in code if you need to.

In general, you will create and use Layouts and Slots from the Designer. Learn more about Layouts in Anvil here. However, you can create and use Layouts without the Anvil Designer by using the Python API.

The Slot object

An Anvil component can be used as a Layout if it has a slots attribute. The slots attribute must be a dictionary whose keys are the Slot names as strings and whose values are the corresponding Slot objects.

A Slot object describes how to add components to an underlying container and is created with the constructor:

s = Slot(target, insertion_index, container_props)

The constructor has the following arguments:

  • target: A container component or another Slot.

  • insertion_index is the position within the target container where components added to the slot will be inserted, which typically affects the position in which they are displayed on the page. For example, an insertion index of 0 will insert all the Slot’s components before any existing components, and an insertion index of len(target.get_components()) will insert all of the Slot’s components after any existing components.

  • container_props are any properties of the target container that will be used to add components to the target.

To create the Layout, you then need to add the Slots to the slots attribute. For example, the following code creates a Layout out of a Linear Panel. The Layout has one Slot called my_slot, which is then added to the slots attribute.

class MyLayout(LinearPanel):
    def __init__(self, **properties):
        my_slot = Slot(self, 0, {})
        self.slots = {"my_slot": my_slot}

A Slot object, like a container component, has the add_component() and get_components() methods. When you call add_component(), the component you are adding will actually be added to the underlying container. If you use the index= argument when calling add_component(), this argument refers only to a position within the list of components added via this Slot. Likewise, get_components() will only return this Slot’s components.

Once you have started using a Slot, you should avoid adding or removing components directly on its target, as this will disrupt the Slot’s ability to insert at the correct index within the target.

Multiple Slots with one target

It is sometimes useful to have multiple Slots with a single target, for example, in different locations on a Custom HTML Form, or at two different positions within a list.

If you do this, you must call offset_by_slot on the Slot with the larger insertion_index, so that the “later” slot can account for components inserted via the “earlier” Slot.

You must call offset_by_slot() once for every Slot that precedes this one on the same target.

For example, if you have three Slots, slot_a, slot_b, and slot_c, on the same target, you must offset slot_b using slot_a, and offset slot_c by both slot_a and slot_b:

target = self.linear_panel_1
slot_a = Slot(target, 0, {})
slot_b = Slot(target, 2, {})
slot_c = Slot(target, 3, {})


If you have two slots with the same target and insertion_index, you must choose which Slot’s components go first, and offset the later slot using the earlier one.

Using Layouts from code

If you want to define a component class that uses a Layout, it should inherit from WithLayout. It also must specify the Layout class with the layout= key in the class definition. When you create a Form using a Layout from the Anvil Editor, this is done for you. Its FormTemplate class will automatically inherits from WithLayout.

The WithLayout class exposes the its Layout as its layout attribute. This means that you can access the class instance itself as self.layout and add components to it via its Slots. (The layout object is instantiated the first time the layout property is accessed or when the component is added to the page, whichever happens first.)

For example, the following code creates a MyPage class that uses a Layout called MyLayout. First, WithLayout is imported from anvil and the Layout class is imported. Then, in MyPage’s constructor, a Button component is created and added to one of the Layout’s Slots.

from anvil import WithLayout
from MyTheme.MyLayout import MyLayout

class MyPage(WithLayout, layout=MyLayout):
    def __init__(self, **properties):
        my_button = Button(text="Click me")

If you need to provide keyword arguments to the Layout’s constructor, call super().__init__(prop="value") in your __init__() function. Keyword arguments to this function will be provided as properties for the Layout.

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