Different Versions of Python
Anvil lets you write everything in Python - both in the web browser and on the server.
Your Server Module code runs in a standard Python environment on the Anvil server. There are a few different environments to choose from.

Basic Python 3
Basic Python is a PyPy Sandbox - this is a Python 3.6 interpreter with extra security features that allow us to provide the server environment for free to everybody.
Full Python
The Full Python server environment is an ordinary CPython interpreter - the standard version of Python that you probably have on your own machine. This is available on all paid tiers.
For each app, you can choose between Python 3.7 or Python 2.7 for your Server Modules. You also have the option to install custom packages into various base environments, and use those for your app’s server.
Python 3.10 (Beta)
The Python 3.10 (Beta) server environment allows you to install third-party Python packages into the app’s environment. There are a few base environments available to choose from. Learn more about the Python 3.10 (Beta) environment and installing packages here.
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