Our First Ten Days of Advent Calendar

We are 10 days into the Anvil Advent Calendar - we’re building a festive Python web app, every day until Christmas!

Here’s what we’ve seen so far:


Keeping track of everything you want for Christmas can be hard. With this app, you can just add presents to your list as you remember them and send the link to your loved ones when Christmas approaches:


Advent Calendar, Day 1: An app to make sure all your friends and family know exactly what you want this Christmas.

Advent of Code Log

Create your own personal portfolio to keep all your Advent of Code 2021 solutions:

Advent of Code Log

Advent Calendar, Day 2: Create a portfolio to showcase all your Advent of Code solutions.

Grow a Christmas Tree

Tamagotchi, but make it Christmasy! Grow and decorate your own Christmas tree by taking care of it every day:

Grow a Christmas Tree

Advent Calendar, Day 3: Water your tree every day and watch it grow.

Christmas Song Jukebox

Can’t choose which Christmas song to torment your co-workers/loved ones with? Get rid of the decision fatigue with this app:

Christmas Song Jukebox

Advent Calendar, Day 4: When you just can't decide which cheesy Christmas song you want to listen to next, this app will come to the rescue.

Send a (real) Christmas card

Handwrytten is a service which gets robots to write cards for you. We used their API to write a front end in Python that will make it extra easy to send Christmas greetings to your loved ones:

Send a (real) Christmas card

Advent Calendar, Day 5: No more tired wrists, robots can write for you!

Pachinko Tree

Why spend hours watching paint dry, when you can watch presents falling into the feet of a fake Christmas tree instead? Have fun mindlessly losing time with our app:

Pachinko Trees: Mindless games with Python

Advent Calendar, Day 6: Building games with the Matter.js physics engine

Add to your Wishlist by Email

Say you’re out and about, looking at shops, and you come across an item you love, so you want to add it to your wishlist before you forget. With this extension you can do just that, by emailing it to your wishlist app. Take a look at how it’s done:

Add to your Wish List by Email

Advent Calendar, Day 7: Email items to your wishlist as and when you remember them.

Check the Weather at the North Pole

We’re all wondering how the North Pole winter is treating Santa, so we made it extra easy for you to check:

What's The Weather At The North Pole?

Advent Calendar, Day 8: Weather conditions can be pretty tough for Santa Claus and his Elves at the North Pole. With today's Advent calendar app, you can find out whether the weather is being naughty or nice for Santa.

Christmas Card List Manager

We have an app to get robots to create cards for you, now let’s create one that will get robots to write and send a lot of cards for you:

Send *lots* of Christmas cards

Advent Calendar, Day 9: Send all your Christmas Cards at once, using our app.

Python Secret Santa

No one wants to be the one organizing a Secret Santa and getting the secret spoiled for them, so have Python do it for you instead:

Choosing Secret Santas with Python

Advent Calendar, Day 10: A minimal app to handle assigning Secret Santas to your friends!

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